SATUC World Cup

SATUC World Cup

SATUC Terms & Conditions a copyright for Sheikha Al Thani for Uniting Children Charity

The 2018/2015 SATUC Cup proved that there is no difference between children whatever their religion or colour. This was borne out on the pitch where everyone was given a fair chance to compete and enjoy the matches. The smiles on the children’s faces meant everything to us, making all our efforts worthwhile.


The Tournament gave the players a unique experience outside of their lives at home, and it also helped them develop social and team skills in a truly international context. They were able to meet other children from other parts of the world, which helped break down social barriers and cultural constructs.


Football has a unique ability to bring people together and that is exactly what the 2018 Sofia SATUC World Cup and 2015 Cairo SATUC World Cup did.

It brought together children of many different backgrounds and allowed them to showcase their talents and show the world what they can do.

SATUC World Cup | Legacy

SATUC aims to create a legacy for the SATUC World Cup. We hope to bring together orphans, disadvantaged children, and refugees from around the world and give them hope for a brighter future free from poverty and misfortune. We will offer these children the chance to travel abroad and experience different cultures, allowing them to engage with their peers in other countries.

We will encourage these children to foster their ambitions and realize their full potential.

We will reinforce the principles of equality of opportunity and help them build their self-confidence and determination. This is also an opportunity for talented footballers to follow their dreams of becoming professional football players. There will be many famous footballers at the tournament, as well as international scouts, and we hope a future Ballon d’Or winner will be spotted.

These terms and conditions shall apply to all participating teams in the SATUC World Cup.

    Please select one box for each statement, indicating your level of agreement. If you select disagree, it would be helpful to have a comment as to why you disagree in the spaces below.

    Personal Information

    Full Name
    Phone Number
    Full Address
    Country Residency
    City Residence
    Post/Zip Address

    NGO's Information

    Organization Name
    Organization Registered Number
    Organization Contact Number
    Organization Email
    What is your organization registered as?
    Organization Full Address
    Board Name Members
    All Organization Social Media Links


    Participants must not have previously joined any.
    Football League
    I confirm my team doesn't participate
    By applying to participate in the SATUC World CUP, you accept these terms and conditions in full; accordingly, if you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not apply.

    Please Confirm
    By signing the terms and conditions form, you are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions.

    Please Confirm

    If you disagree with these terms of use, please refrain from signing the forms. Please note that the forms are intended for use by residents of the (your country) whilst in the (your country) only. It does not apply to residents of other countries.

    We may revise the Terms and Conditions by amending this form.

    You are expected to check this form through our website from time to time to take notice of any changes we make. If you have any inquiries, then address them to


    To apply to be considered as a SATUC World Cup Team, the following must be applied electronically and in original form by normal postage to ABBAS EL AKKAD CORRIDOR, New Cairo, CAIRO, EGYPT. Postcode: 11865
    Please Confirm
    Accepted Teams must submit all the required below at least 2 weeks after signing the acceptance letter, for any emergency changes to the Participants.

    Please Confirm
    The Team itself will incur the financial costs of any changes to the Participants after this date.

    Please Confirm
    We must receive all the above without delay as we are a non-profit organization organizing flights and accommodation for a huge number of people, so with your cooperation, we can arrange everything efficiently and in plenty of time.
    Please Confirm
    Only 1 team will be accepted from each country, which should be selected on ability (Assuming the eligibility criteria are met) using a fair selection process.

    Please Confirm
    All papers and letters requested by SATUC must be sent by the charities and must be appropriately certified by the appropriate governing body of the corresponding countries.

    Please Confirm

    The Cost

    The Tournament aims to create a legacy for the organization and its Partners via the events’ publicity.

    I Agree
    The Organization is not obliged to make any contributions, financial or otherwise, to its Partners other than those specified in these terms and conditions.

    I Agree
    The Organization will cover the costs of accommodation for participants. A minimum of 3 participants will be booked into each hotel room. This may be a combination of players and coaches from different countries.
    I Agree
    The Organization will provide food and beverages for participants during the Tournament.
    I Agree
    The Organization will provide match clothing and equipment for the Participants.
    I Agree
    The Organization will cover the costs of any cultural tours scheduled by the Organization for the Participants.
    I Agree
    The Organization will arrange for reasonable insurance coverage for the Participants at the Tournament.
    I Agree
    The Organization will not cover the costs of any passport or flight tickets.
    I Agree


    Representative means members of the media from each participating country authorized and approved by the organization to attend the tournament. Accommodation and flight will not be provided for these members at the events. Sponsors: without the consent of the Organisation participant or team may not engage in any deal with the sponsors before or during the tournament.

    I Agree

    Application Forms

    1. All forms must be completed after the qualifying and selection of players and this should be at the end of the year, maximum.
    2. Complete the SATUC papers within 2 weeks of your signing the acceptance letter.
    3. Submit certificates and statements from your organization for recognition by the SATUC Committees, within 2 weeks of your signing the acceptance letter.
    • Acceptance form
    Acceptance letter signed by coaches, guardians, s and board members of the organization.
    • Terms and conditions form
    Complete the terms and conditions form signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    • Partnership form
    Complete the partnership form signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    • Filming and photography permission form
    Filming and photography permission form with a statement that grants SATUC permission to use the images on our website and other promotional material signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    • Regulations form
    Regulations are signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.

    You must send it within 2 weeks of your signing the acceptance letter.

    1. Confirmation statement that your Organisation will provide a Team to participate in the Tournament, and Training Camp, signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    2. Confirmation statement Your organization will provide Individual and Group photographs of all the players (in the form of high-resolution jpeg.) of all participants.
    3. Confirmation statement Your organization will provide Passport photocopies of each of the participants' confirmation of all of their names as shown on their passports and as given at the start of the photocopies of the passports for all the Participants signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    4. Financial position Last financial position of the institution, and activity report.
    5. Registration documents Institution registration documents, and a certificate proving that you are a charitable organization.
    6. Organization’s purpose Your organization’s purpose/ mission statement.
    7. Organization’s logo Your organization’s logo (in the form of a high-resolution jpeg)
    I Agree


    All forms must be completed.

    1. Child Player Consent and Travel Form
    Complete Child Player Consent and travel forms signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    I Agree
    2. Medical history form
    Complete the medical history form signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    I Agree
    3. Player agreement form
    Player agreement stamped and signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.
    I Agree
    4. Player biographical
    Brief biographical information about each Player and a detailed biography of your organization.

    I Agree
    5. Physically and mentally fit certificate
    A certificate showing that an appropriate adult has interviewed the player and believes them to be physically and mentally fit and sufficiently mature and stable to travel outside of his home country.
    I Agree
    6. Measurement Form
    Complete the team measurement form signed by coaches, guardians, and board members of the organization.

    I Agree

    The Match

    SATUC World Cup will be U18. The total of players is ( ) (consisting of ( ) starting players and ( ) substitutions) and 2 Coaches to be formed by a charitable organization or similar institution, all players must be male below the age of 18 during the matches and representing a country at the SATUC World Cup Boys. For SATUC World Cup Girls, all the players must be female below the age of 18 during the matches.

    On the final day of the Tournament, no Player may exceed the age of 17 years and 364 days.

    ( ) Players and 2 Coaches must be selected by each participating charity.

    Coaches are male persons over the age of 21 years who are wholly responsible for the behaviour and safety of the players both before and during the tournament at the SATUC World Cup Boys. For World Cup Girls, all the coaches must be female persons over the age of 21 years.

    Each Player must be eligible under the SATUC Regulation to represent their country.

    Without the consent of the Organisation, no Player may be a member of any footballing academy or similar institution.

    Players must be sufficiently fit, and not suffering from any health problems that can be exacerbated by exercise.

    Participants recognize that by participating in this event they run the risk of personal injury and even death.

    Participants confirm that they are aware of and accept such risk and will be responsible for their actions and involvement in the Tournament.

    Players and coaches must be male in the SATUC World Cup for boys, and female in the SATUC World Cup for girls. Participants must be less fortunate children who do not participate in:

    • Academies
    • Clubs
    • Competitions
    • Tournaments

    SATUC Charity aims to help less fortunate children, those displaced by wars, or children from broken families who are less fortunate and do not participate in academies, clubs, competitions, or leagues. Therefore, the selection of players must take these conditions into careful consideration.

    I Agree

    Match Rules

    The players must meet the following criteria:

    Teams will be made up of () players. ( ) of them will be playing on the pitch and the other ( ) will be on the bench (so that they can be switched with the players playing the match).

    The matches will not start without the ( ) players and goalkeeper.

    Each Match will be 30 minutes in length, divided into two 15-minute halves.

    The winning team gains three points and in the case of Atia, they get one point only.

    Players will not be permitted to play in a third match if they receive two yellow cards in the previous two matches.

    U18 level – means that the players must be less than 18 during the tournament: born in 2006, 2007, and 2008.

    SATUC aims to help disadvantaged and orphaned children, and accordingly, the players selected must meet either one of these criteria. We expect participants to observe the spirit of SATUC, which is to prioritize children who do not have other means of support.

    Players must be citizens of the same nationality as that which their respective charity is representing.

    The SATUC World Cup will be U18 11-a-side Natural grass pitch.

    I Agree

    Training Camp

    Give these talented children an opportunity to leave behind whatever challenges they have had to overcome and to show their true potential. It is a chance for the world to see them in a different light; not as victims or sufferers but as remarkable young people who have an extraordinary amount to give.

    Preparation Plan for the Teams at the SATUC World Cup

    Each team will host its Training Camp to ensure every player has been selected on his merits and is of inadequate standard to compete in the tournament.

    Ensuring all players are in top physical condition:

    • Teamwork exercises.
    • Raising the players’ fitness levels.
    • Maintaining the fitness levels of the players and increasing their tactical abilities.
    • Training Camp before traveling to the hosting country:
    • An organized and structured football training event that must take place over a minimum of 31 days.

    The Coaches will provide reasonable training to all potential Players before the commencement of the World Cup.

    Video evidence of organized training sessions should be sent to the Organization in electronic form and with a statement granting SATUC permission to use the videos on our website and other promotional material.

    I Agree


    The Trophy will be retained by the Organisation at the end of the Tournament. However, the winning team will be given other miniature trophies.

    Awards for individual performances, including best player; best goalkeeper; and fair play, will be retained by the individual selected for the award – money will not be given to the winners as awards. Medals will be awarded to all participating teams.

    I Agree

    Code of Conduct


    Players are ambassadors for SATUC Charity. As such we expect the highest standards of behaviour, manners, and language.

    SATUC rules apply at all times, but points to note particularly are:

    Boys must follow the instructions given to them by SATUC members.

    Smoking is forbidden.

    Boys may not possess or purchase alcohol.

    Boys must carry the staff emergency contact details with them.

    Boys should carry and keep switched on a charged mobile phone.

    Boys must not break their curfews and must adhere to all other timings set by members of staff, especially for meetings and meals.

    Boys should show respect to people outside the expedition party, and not disturb or irritate them.

    In the event of any accident or mishap, or if a boy is in any doubt about the health or safety of another expedition member, he must contact the master(s) in Charge immediately.

    Any item that could be used as a weapon, cause damage/or injury or be used as a projectile.

    Any Illegal or illicit substances not just limited to narcotics (this includes tobacco and alcohol.

    Any items that increase the risk of fire or are harmful to health, including but not limited to, lighters, matches, fireworks, or other pyrotechnics; or any other object that could compromise public safety and security and/or harm the reputation of the event.

    Participants must always maintain the highest standards of behaviour.

    Participants will not act in a way that will disturb, inconvenience, or compromise the safety or general well-being of other participants, SATUC staff, or members of the local community.

    The players must not smoke at all during the SATUC World Cup.

    Participants must politely communicate with each other.

    Participants must treat each other fairly and without discrimination in a manner appropriate to a peaceful international event.

    Participants must respect each other's diverse backgrounds, cultures, politics, religious beliefs, and practices.

    Participants must always abide by the schedule of the Tournament as specified by the Organisation.

    Without the consent of the Organisation, Participants must not wear any item of clothing other than those specified by the SATUC Organisation from the moment they take off from their home country to the SATUC Cup hosting country.

    Other than SATUC’s and partnering charities’ logos, flags, banners, or signs may have been displayed at the Tournament, without the full official consent of SATUC’s Board of Directors.

    Participants must not use the swimming pool.

    Any significant infringement of these rules, or breach of trust, is likely to result in the perpetrator being withdrawn from activities. Major misconduct will result in immediate repatriation at the guardian's expense. In either case, the SATUC may consider further sanction, if warranted.

    I agree that my Child/Team will adhere to the Code of Conduct detailed above.


    In consideration of the SATUC-In-Charge agreeing to take my son on this SATUC World Cup, I:

    agree to my son’s participation in all activities,

    acknowledge the need for my son to behave responsibly,

    agree to my son receiving medication if required,

    agree to my son receiving emergency dental, medical, or surgical treatment, including anesthetic and blood transfusion, as considered necessary by a medical practitioner for the safety of my son.

    authorize the SATUC to contract, if necessary, on my behalf, for emergency medical care of my son at a private hospital or clinic.

    agree not to hold the SATUC for any injury to or illness of my son or any loss of or damage to his property occurring save as resulting from his negligence during the SATUC World Cup.

    I Agree


    If any of these terms and conditions are breached, the organization reserves the right to forthwith prevent participants and/or Teams from participating in the Tournament and to terminate any existing agreement.

    Any Participant who breaches these terms and conditions will be obliged to compensate the Organisation for the losses incurred because of the breach.

    No Participant or Team has any right of recourse against the organization in law or via any form of media for their own mistakes or the mistakes of the children they are responsible for under the terms and conditions of the SATUC Cup.

    If you breach any of the terms of these Rules or Conditions, SATUC reserves the right to prevent you from participating in the event and to terminate any existing agreement between you and SATUC even during the Tournament itself. In other words, at any time, a breach of the rules and regulations will make you liable to disqualification from the SATUC Cup.

    I Agree


    Each Participant releases the Organisation from any claims and causes of action that it or its representatives may have in the future for personal injury, property damage or loss, or wrongful death, arising out of participation in the Tournament.

    We will then get back to you as soon as possible once insufficient applications have been made and the most suitable candidates chosen.

    Please give your disadvantaged children the best chance of SATUC helping them by making sure your application complies with our requirements. We want to see the smiles on their faces!

    Please note that SATUC retains absolute discretion as to which teams are accepted into the Tournament and sending us the above does not guarantee entrance into the tournament.

    If you breach any of the terms of these Rules or Conditions, SATUC reserves the right to prevent you from participating in the event and to terminate any existing agreement between you and SATUC.

    I Agree


    Please Sign